Knowing Dangers Too Old Using Phone

In today's era, mobile phones are one of the most important gadgets in our everyday life, especially if we are considered busy people and have a lot of work to do. Actually, the phone will offer many solutions, to stay connected with people far from us to help do the work because it can connect to the internet. But, did you know that the phone can release the field of radio frequency that will be at risk and harmful to health. In addition, there are several factors of the phone that also has the potential to treat health, how come? Here are the various health risks that can occur due to mobile phones.

Knowing Dangers Too Old Using Phone

Too long using a mobile phone or hp can make you get cancer is higher .. This is a disease that will occur more often if often using a mobile phone. So, the phone can release the radio frequency (RF) field, which is the main factor why you can get cancer. Actually, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), mobile phones can release radio frequency fields 1000 times greater than the RF released from the base station. So why the radio frequency field can make you suffer from cancer? Because there are many studies that have proven that the field of radio frequency is classified as a carcinogen, which then increases your risk of developing cancer and brain tumors that develop for at least 25 years.

Sleep disturbance
This health issue is indisputable when you have excessive blue light exposure from your mobile phone. Most people would have experienced every time they lay in bed wanting to sleep, and then they checked their phones for a few minutes, and eventually they struggled to sleep. In addition, the mobile phone ring and the midnight vibrations of your phone will disrupt your sleep patterns. So, if you want to avoid this health problem, turn off your phone just in time you want to sleep. Make sure your sleep is not interrupted by your phone.

Increased Accident Risk
There is no doubt that the use of mobile phones will increase the risk of accidents, especially whenever you are on the road driving your vehicle. It does not matter what type of phone you are, but this phone has the ability to distract you as you concentrate on driving your vehicle and thus, it increases your chances of having an accident on the road. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proven that mobile phones can increase the risk of traffic accidents 3 to 4 times larger than normal. So, stay away from cell phones while you're driving.

Did you know that excessive use of mobile phones can also lead you to serious conditions such as infertility? Well, here's the fact that your phone can make you become infertile. The radio frequency field that is released from your phone can decrease sperm count. Although the theory is still only applied to mice, but a study conducted by Wdowiak A and colleagues have proven that the group of men who use mobile phones have sperm count in semen, which of course will lead you to infertility. So, you need to be aware of your mobile usage. Try to make your phone stay in your bag rather than in your pocket.

Hearing disorders
Cellular Health Risks There is no doubt that your phone can also lead you to hearing loss. So, hearing disturbances is a disorder whenever you can not hear or hear a partial sound or one in your ears. One of the main reasons why you can suffer from hearing loss is because it uses too many earphones installed in your phone.
But, other hearing causes not only that. The radio frequency field removed from your phone may reduce the hearing function. In fact, there is a study that has proven that people who attend the phone at least 2 hours per day regularly are at higher risk of hearing loss compared to those with moderate users.

Heart problems
The other health risks that will be more likely to happen to you if you use the phone too often is a heart problem. As you already know, the field of radio frequency that is released from your phone will cause chronic diseases like heart problems. In fact, there is a study published in the European Journal of Oncology that proves that the field of radio frequency from cell phones has contributed to the abnormality of heart function and the reduction in the number of red blood cells in your body, which will cause you to experience heart complications.

Eye problems
There is no doubt that excessive mobile phone usage will bring you to a level of decline in your eye health. Have you ever felt that as soon as you surf the web, or read an e-book from your mobile phone, your eyes feel so tired? Whenever you do it constantly, the light coming from your phone will create a passion between your eyes, especially as you read in the dark room. In addition, the phone has a smaller screen compared to your laptop, which will force your eyes to open wide and flicker lower numbers at certain moments. Things like that, of course, will take you to dry eyes that can cause irritation.

It turns out the phone can make some infections in your body, especially when you're the type of person who usually takes your cell phone in the restroom. So, your phone contains many infectious organisms and the organism may harm your body. In fact, a study has proven that mobile devices, including your cell phone, are highly contaminated with organisms from fecal origin, which are niche and bacterial germs such as E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria will cause a lot of damage to your body, such as skin infections, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Skin Allergy
In addition to skin infections, the phone can also cause allergies to the skin. So, the question why cell phones can cause skin infections? This is due to the common materials used in mobile phones. Cell phone materials such as nickel, chromium, and cobalt will take you to cell phone dermatitis, which is mer

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