Benefits Of Chocolate For Health

BENEFITS OF CHOCOLATE FOR HEALTH Some are not like chocolate? Hmm, it seems like everyone likes chocolate. Brown was the name given to the results of a processed food or drink that is derived from the seeds of cacao (Theobroma cacao). Since antiquity, the ancient inhabitants of the American continent are already consuming chocolate as a drink. When it is brown. Chocolate is often used as a means of barter substitute money. Brown is also often used in religious ceremonies. The word chocolate is derived from the Aztec tribe namely "xocoatl" meaning bitter drink.

The plant is also called chocolate cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Brown estimated plant initially grows in the Northern Amazon region then spread up into Central America and Chiapas, in southern Mexico. The first remains of chocolate found on a chocolate processing site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras around 1400 – 1100 years BC.

Brown seeds or beans contain alkanoid. That is why the chocolate it tastes bitter. Brown seeds also contain protein, carbohydrates 9 percent 14 percent fat, and 31 percent. In addition Brown seeds contain fenilalanin, tyrosin, the amino acid tryptophan in large numbers. Because of the very diverse contents, benefits of chocolate for health is also very much.

Nowadays we know the product assortment of refined chocolate. Either in the form of products processed foods or drinks. For example, chocolate cake, chocolate bread, chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate candies, and chocolate bars. While the drink of chocolate such as hot chocolate, chocolate ice cream, as well as other beverages that taste chocolate. In addition to being processed as food and drinks, chocolate can also be used as a decoration.

In this modern era of chocolate are often given as gifts or gifts on the holy days. Because of its uniqueness, chocolate is often used as an expression of thanks, sympathy, attention even a statement of love. Now Brown has also become one of the most popular flavors in the world.


The benefits of chocolate for health very much, these include:


Cocoa flavanol-containing, a flavanoid found in chocolate. The compound is a Flavanoid that occur naturally in plant foods and act as antioxidants that are beneficial to counteract free radicals in the body.


Dark chocolate (dark chocolate) proved to be beneficial to human blood pressure lowers. And eat dark chocolate regularly proven to lower LDL cholesterol by as much as 10 percent.


Chocolate is a food that can relieve stress. Research from the University of California, Sandiego, reported people who confessed to stress eating chocolate when they're bad mood. This could happen because the chocolate contains psychoactive molecules that make chocolate eaters feel comfortable.

For women, Brown even good consumed premenstrual. The magnesium content of chocolate can lower the risk of the syndrome are believed related to menstruation, such as stomach cramps. The content of chocolate such as caffeine, theobromine, methyl-xanthine and phenylethylalanine is believed to be able to improve mood, reduce a sense of tired so it can be used as an anti-depressant drugs.


Several studies found that Brown is one of a good anti-cancer foods, such as red wine, garlic, blueberries, and teas. Chocolate is rich in antioxidants that effectively counteract free radicals cause this deadly disease. Consuming chocolate regularly may prevent colon cancer with the cancer lesion-forming cells to destroy, or prevent changes to the cells become abnormal.


Chocolate is an aphrodisiac useful increase libido person. According to research, women are lovers of chocolate has sexual arousal is higher than in women who consume no chocolate. They reveal, are consuming a chocolate before making love can give you a sense of relaxation and satisfaction in one's sexual activities.


In contrast to the assumption that there are in the community, studies have concluded that theobromine in chocolate is beneficial to prevent tooth decay. IE by eliminating the bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which is found in the oral cavity that damage teeth. Chocolate is good for the teeth because it cocoanya contain substances that can kill the bacteria the causes of coral teeth. If we are sick of the teeth after consuming chocolate, then the sugar in it that became a cause.


Chocolate contains beneficial substances that slow down premature aging (anti aging). The consumption of chocolate regularly may reduce wrinkles and protects the skin from sunburn.

A study in the Netherlands against the 200 men over 20 years found that those who consume a lot of chocolate, their lives longer with a lower risk of the disease than men who eat a little chocolate or not at all. Jeanne Louise Calment was one who lived to 122 years of age have the longevity prescription is simple. I.e. He consume dark chocolate as much as 2.5 pounds in a week.

Well, with all the uniqueness of taste and benefits of chocolate so much, who among us can resist chocolate?
Tag : Benefits
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